Saturday, August 22, 2009

Our new addition to the family

Much to our (extreme) surprise Rick came up with the idea of giving Elizabeth her all time wish for her 13th birthday as long as she donated all her stuffed animals (except her top 3). So after scouting online at the Arizona Humane Society for a good week or so we found what we think is the perfect dog for our family at this time. We went a week early because we were afraid the dog we wanted would be gone if we waited too long. Happy early Birthday Elizabeth!

Meet Bella... She's a 3 year old black lab. She's house trained, leash trained (although we think she needs some work on this end) and crate trained. She is quiet (we haven't heard her bark yet, just some whining when somebody leaves and she's not sure where they went). She plays fetch, knows how to give high five, can follow commands like sit, stay, jump, etc... and we have already tested all of the above. She has a cute curly q tail and already loves her doggy bed Elizabeth bought for her. In addition she loves her bone and squeeky toy as well.

In the video below you can see below trying out her new walking shoes. LOL.

Here's the description of her on the AZ Humane Society website...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Senior Aaronic

I thought I would post some of Skyler's pictures from his Senior Aaronic trip in July. This year the Senior Aaronic trip was with the Stake and they had the opportunity to go to Utah. I will post the itenary as well so you can see what they had going on each day. They kept the Young Men really busy.

On the last day before coming home they went tubing down the Provo River. We were a little nervous for Skyler to participate in this particular activity as he is not a strong swimmer. Sure enough he had a scary experience where he had to get off his tube (stuck in debris) and the rolling waters quickly took him down stream. Luckily the leaders were close by and able to get him before anything terrible happened. Even though it was a very scary event for him when it happened, it was a testimony building experience. We are glad he came home safe.

Goodyear Stake Senior Aaronic Camp 2009 - The Salt Lake Valley
Monday 5:30 AM SHARP! Meet @ Stake Center Breakfast: At Home or Bring
12:30 PM Travel to Camp Williams, Utah Lunch: Bring Your Own
July 13 7:00 PM Arrive @ Camp Williams Dinner
10:00 PM Lights Out
Tuesday 6:00 AM Wake Up
7:00 AM Camp Williams Breakfast
*8:00 AM Oquirrh Mtn Temple Open House
*10:00 AM Temple Square Visitor's Center
12:00 PM Temple Square Lunch
12:30 PM Elder L. Tom Perry - Visitor's Center
July 14 2:00 PM Temple Square
3:00 PM Conference Center
4:00 PM Church History Museum
5:00 PM Family History Center
*6:00 PM Camp Williams Dinner
8:00 PM Swimming
10:00 PM Lights Out
Wednesday 6:00 AM Wake Up
7:00 AM Camp Williams Breakfast
*8:00 AM Welfare Square / Humanitarian Center
*10:00 AM Humanitarian Center / Welfare Square
*12:00 PM Camp Williams Lunch
July 15 *1:00 PM BYU Athletics/Football Tour
4:00 PM BYU Campus Tour
*6:00 PM Camp Williams Dinner
8:00 PM Swimming
10:00 PM Lights Out
Thursday 6:00 AM Wake Up
7:00 AM Camp Williams Breakfast
*8:00 AM Mt. Timpanogos Hike
July 16 1:00 PM Mt. Timpanogos Lunch
*6:00 PM Holt's Cabin Dinner
8:00 PM Swimming
10:00 PM Lights Out
Friday 6:00 AM Wake Up
7:00 AM Camp Williams Breakfast
*8:00 AM Provo River Tubing
*12:00 PM Camp Williams Lunch
July 17 *3:00 PM Ensign Peak
5:00 PM Testmony Meeting
*6:00 PM Camp Williams Dinner
8:00 PM Cleanup & Packup @ Camp Williams
10:00 PM Lights Out
Saturday 6:00 AM Wake Up
7:00 AM Camp Williams Breakfast
July 18 12:00 PM Travel to Goodyear, Arizona Lunch
7:00 PM Arrive @ Stake Center Dinner: At Home
*Departure Times

Top Scout

Skyler had a big day at the last Boy Scout Court of Honor. He earned his Life, Varsity Patch, several merit badges and he was named Top Scout for his troop! Way to go Skyler!